Heart Haven Meditations
Weekly meditations to calm your mind, connect to your heart, and take refuge in love. These practices draw from neuroscience, wisdom traditions, and teachers such as Adyashanti, Tara Brach, Pema Chodron, Joe Dispenza, Andrew Holecek, Carl Jung, Byron Katie, Thomas Merton, and Jack Kornfield. Tess Callahan, Ed.M., MFA, is a certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher and author of the novels APRIL & OLIVER and DAWNLAND. Tess invites you to attune to your own creative powers through intimate inner listening. You can find her novel writing at: https://tesscallahan.com/. Heart Haven Meditations is also on YouTube. Relax and enjoy!
See our sister podcast: Writers at the Well: Author Interviews with Tess Callahan: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GmIB2rgarR6eCA0CYSv2p?si=VPm7PpWHSS2760KUgXYdfg
DISCLAIMER: Although meditation can nurture spiritual growth, deepen wisdom, and enhance wellbeing, it is not a substitute for professional psychological or medical healthcare or therapy. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of listening to any of these recordings. You acknowledge that you use the information provided at your own risk. Do your own research. Do not drive or operate potentially dangerous equipment while listening.
Heart Haven Meditations
Interview with Writer Alan Watt: Evolving through Meditation and Writing
Novelist, screenwriter, and founder of LA Writers' Lab Alan Watt tells host Tess Callahan his extraordinary experience of recovering a childhood memory through meditation. This memory from infancy, preverbal and terrifying, had already begun to surface through the writing of his novel, Diamond Dogs. Watt asserts that the desire to write is connected to the desire to evolve. He first began meditating decades ago to help with insomnia. His practice calmed his nervous system, lessened anxiety, and helped him sleep. With his mind stabilized, the repressed memory was able to surface and be healed. In spirituality and in writing, Watt is all about inquiry. In this interview, he encourages you to give yourself permission to write, to exorcise whatever within you wants to be freed, to be clear on your boundaries, and to release limiting beliefs about yourself and the world. A brilliant teacher, Alan talks about bringing a sense of trust and mutual respect into his online courses, and discusses the challenge of balancing teaching and writing.
Alan Watt is an L.A. Times best-selling author, screenwriter, and consultant to Hollywood writers and producers. He has won awards for his novel Diamond Dogs and his feature film "Eddie, Kill the President." His popular books on writing include The 90-Day Novel, The 90-Day Memoir, The 90-Day Screenplay, and The 90-Day Rewrite. Alan is the Founder and Creative Director of L.A. Writers' Lab, where he teaches online workshops to writers throughout the world.
Host: Tess Callahan
Substack: Writers at the Well
Interview Podcast: Writers at the Well
Meditations on Insight Timer
Meditations on YouTube
Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
Audio Editing: Eric Fischer of Audi-Refined.com
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DISCLAIMER: Meditation is not a substitute for professional psychological or medical healthcare or therapy. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of listening to this recording. Use the material provided at your own risk. Do not drive or operate dangerous equipment while listening. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management.