Heart Haven Meditations

Can Life Meditate Us? A Talk on the novel DAWNLAND

Tess Callahan Season 1 Episode 76
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00:00 | 09:47

Friends, this episode is a departure from my usual offerings. I will return to meditations and occasional interviews after my mini book tour, but today I'm talking about my novel DAWNLAND, and what IT has to do with meditation, particularly the question: Do we sometimes meditate by accident? And if so, what’s happening there? Inadvertent meditation might seem like an oxymoron.  We usually associate meditation with intention and focus. Even devotion. But I think there are moments when life meditates us. And the more we practice, the more we open ourselves for this to happen spontaneously. The characters in DAWNLAND don’t meditate in a traditional sense, but they each have their own way of connecting inwardly. I describe examples in case they resonate with you. This talk invites you to relax your grip on "solving" and "fixing," to be radically open to the silences that emerge in your day, to notice when life meditates you. Savoring those moments, even for a breath, allows a sense of spaciousness to seep into your mind and your body, a spaciousness that allows the responses you need in any given moment to arise on its own. Thanks for listening!

You can find DAWNLAND at Bookshop.org, Amazon or Audible.

Audio by the magnificent Eric Fisher of audio-refined.com.

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Host: Tess Callahan
Substack: Writers at the Well
Interview Podcast: Writers at the Well
Meditations on Insight Timer
Meditations on
Tess's novels:
Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
Audio Editing: Eric Fischer of Audi-Refined.com

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