Heart Haven Meditations
Weekly meditations to calm your mind, connect to your heart, and take refuge in love. These practices draw from neuroscience, wisdom traditions, and teachers such as Adyashanti, Tara Brach, Pema Chodron, Joe Dispenza, Andrew Holecek, Carl Jung, Byron Katie, Thomas Merton, and Jack Kornfield. Tess Callahan, Ed.M., MFA, is a certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher and author of the novels APRIL & OLIVER and DAWNLAND. Tess invites you to attune to your own creative powers through intimate inner listening. You can find her novel writing at: https://tesscallahan.com/. Heart Haven Meditations is also on YouTube. Relax and enjoy!
See our sister podcast: Writers at the Well: Author Interviews with Tess Callahan: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GmIB2rgarR6eCA0CYSv2p?si=VPm7PpWHSS2760KUgXYdfg
DISCLAIMER: Although meditation can nurture spiritual growth, deepen wisdom, and enhance wellbeing, it is not a substitute for professional psychological or medical healthcare or therapy. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of listening to any of these recordings. You acknowledge that you use the information provided at your own risk. Do your own research. Do not drive or operate potentially dangerous equipment while listening.
Heart Haven Meditations
Heart Coherence Meditation 3: Healing
This is the 3rd of three progressive meditations inspired by Dr. Patrick MacManaway’s book Cultivating Your Light Body. It builds on the strength and stability developed in the first and second practices. Here, we continue cultivating heart-centered awareness in a cycle of witnessing, blessing, and renewal, and we take the further step of using these qualities to restore right relationship to current challenging issues in our lives. We restore a healthy relationship in the pathways of energy that connect us to other people, places, and times. This practice can be demanding on your energy and attention, particularly if it is new to you, so please be gentle with yourself, and create time to practice when your energy and attention are good, and your time is spacious. Regular use and practice will allow you to remain increasingly heart-centered when contemplating and renewing your relationship with stressful or distracting issues. Over time, you'll find that the radiant blessing and renewal of the heart opens you to the possibility of miracles.
Tess Callahan, Ed.M., MFA, is a certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher and author of the novels APRIL & OLIVER and (forthcoming) DAWNLAND. She invites you to attune to your own creative powers through intimate inner listening. Her meditations draw from wisdom traditions, modern science, and teachers such as Adyashanti, Tara Brach, Pema Chodron, Andrew Holecek, Carl Jung, Byron Katie, Thomas Merton, and Jack Kornfield. You can find her novel writing at: https://tesscallahan.com/.
Inspiration: https://patrickmacmanaway.com/
Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
Audio Engineer: Eric Fischer of audio-refined.com
Host: Tess Callahan
Substack: Writers at the Well
Interview Podcast: Writers at the Well
Meditations on Insight Timer
Meditations on YouTube
Tess's novels: https://tesscallahan.com/
Music: Christopher Lloyd Clarke.
Audio Editing: Eric Fischer of Audi-Refined.com
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DISCLAIMER: Meditation is not a substitute for professional psychological or medical healthcare or therapy. We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of listening to this recording. Use the material provided at your own risk. Do not drive or operate dangerous equipment while listening. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management.